Principal Investigator:
Prof. Maria Cristina Mele
Researchers involved:
Dott. Emanuele Rinninella, Dott. Marco Cintoni, Dott. Antonino De Lorenzo, Prof. Giovanni Addolorato, Dott. Gabriele Vassallo, Dott.ssa Rossana Moroni, Prof. Giacinto Abele Donato Miggiano, Prof. Antonio Gasbarrini, Prof.ssa Maria Cristina Mele
Aims of this work is the estimate of the risk and the prevalence of malnutrition among hospital-admitted patients in an Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology Department.
Risk, prevalence, and impact of hospital malnutrition in a Tertiary Care Referral University Hospital: a cross-sectional study – Internal and Emergency Medicine volume 13, pages 689–697(2018)