Principal Investigator:
Prof. Sergio Alfieri
Researchers involved:
Dott. Giuseppe Quero, Dott. Claudio Fiorillo, Prof. Andrea Damiani, Dott. Luca Boldrini, Dott. Luca Tagliaferri, Ing. Carlotta Masciocchi, Dott. Nikola Dino Capocchiano, Dott. Stefano Patarnello
Identification of multifactorial variables (comorbidity, laboratory analysis, pre-surgical information, intervention techniques) to predict the trend of postoperative hospitalization and relat these variables with the risk of postoperative onset. The project is based on the development of an integrated dashboard that visualize retrospective data related to colorectal and rectum surgery operations; the aim is to support clinicians in define probable postoperative course, putting them in relation with a virtual patient with comparable characteristics, express in terms of multifactorial variables.